June 21, 2012

told every body stay long tgt 5250..soon ..todays high..5174..cheers..

summary of software....

1) 18th june...sell..5080..tgt5040..5030 ....net gain 40 points

2) 19th june..buy@ 5071...tgt 5112.....net gain  41 points..
3) 20th june range bound mkt.............net gain 10 points only
4) 21st june..short @ 5109..tgt 5094...net gain 15 points
    again but @ 5131....sold at 5170..  net gain 39 points

NET GAIN IN 4 DAYS..............................105 POINTS IN INTRA ONLY...cheers..100% result 

hurry up for live demo call on 09673997310  or ...09225526327...@ 12 am only  not before that daily.. good time ahead.....