November 1, 2009

posting of old longer term graf made on 24th sept +same graf with wave count for current next senerio 1st nov 09..onwards...

sending u previous old graf made on 24th sept 09...almost 1 month back.....clik graf no 2 first to look this old graf......see the pattern and exact rock top levels given in the per my prediction mkt exactly fall down from 5160--5185 spot level 30th oct 09.......nifty spot value is net gain till date today in this positional short call is almost 470 points in 1 month...................................ok now u click graf no...1...which is nothing but same old graf with detail wave the senerio of nifty there from today 1st nov posting will be later let mkt develops the moove ..any qury or for more details call on 09689889827----09225526327